Scheduling A Speaker​

     RS, LLC represents several safety speakers and their companies.   Some of them have been providing safety programs since 1993. They provide personal safety information and conduct specialized self-defense training through their countless presentations nationwide.  All participants will gain life-saving information. Our role is the scheduling of these events.

     Safety programs are scheduled for all types of organizations and businesses.  To name a few common programs are the following: Banks and Credit Unions, Colleges and Universities by department, entirety, or in groups, Medical Offices, Home Health, Hospice, each ISD, Public, and private School, Real Estate Offices, Cosmetology Schools, all types Organizations Civic and job specific (Women’s, Community Betterment, Accounting, Nurse, Lawyer, Sorority, Realtor, Secretary), Hospitals by department, and Chambers of Commerce, etc.

Standard Program:

     Our Standard Program talks about events and places where assault crimes are committed. How the criminal chooses victims and why. How you can prevent these types of crimes from happening to you. Simple self-defense techniques to help you feel confident. The steps to take if you ever find yourself in one of these situations, and what to expect following a self-defense incident.

Active Shooter Program:

     The Active Shooter program is for additional information on what to do when an “Active Shooter” is on-site. It is combined with our “Standard Program” to enhance your Business/Organizations safety awareness.  We will talk about the steps to take when an Active Shooter is in or near your location, along with the Personal Safety tips to help Prevent Rape Robbery, Sexual Assault, and Workplace Violence. We do not replace your plan but enhance the plan you already have. If you do not have a plan in place, we will help you create one.